CWE Hotel Guest & Resident Discounts

The following businesses are partnering with the AC Hotel and the Chase Park Plaza to offer discounts to their hotel guests:

Drunken Fish – 10% discount when you show your room key.

Esther & Mila – 15% discount when you show your room key.

Houska Gallery – 10% discount when you let them know you’re a guest.

Kendra Scott – 15% discount when show your room key.

Kingside Diner – 10% discount when you show your room key.

Main Squeeze Juice Co. – 10% discount when you show your room key.

Occasions Boutique – 15% discount when you show your room key.

Paul Mitchell The School – 20% discount on services and retail products when you show any proof of stay. Please note, this cannot be combined with other discounts.

Q Boutique – 10% discount when you show your room key or reservation.

The Silver Lady – 10% discount when you show your room key.

VINO STL – 20% off any non-food items when you show your room key.

The following businesses are offering discounts to Central West End residents:

AC Hotel – Neighborhood rate of $152 for a king room and $172 for a double queen room when you use code E7309 at

Drunken Fish – 10% discount when you show your driver’s license or other proof of address.

Esther & Mila – 15% discount when you show any proof of address.

Houska Gallery – 10% discount when you let them know you’re a resident.

Kendra Scott – 15% discount when you show your driver’s license.

Main Squeeze Juice Co. – 10% discount when you show any proof of address.

Occasions Boutique – 15% discount when you show your driver’s license.